Madame Dawn

Shying away from my true path has only brought me back around to where I started this journey as a young girl.  

Unaware that I was “different” in my consciousness, I spent most of my childhood in the woods playing with the “others” and creating stories to go along with my “invisible” friends.

Told that it was wrong by the standards of society, I tried to stop tuning in to the visions and voices I experienced alone. I expressed myself instead through the arts-- dance and costume design, especially Middle Eastern dance. As time moved on, however, I was always pulled back to the secret world of the mystic.

I always seemed to be "reading" others even if I didn’t know what  I was doing. I would take someone's hand and just start telling them things about their future –  freaking them out. I did have a gift. I started seeking like-minded individuals, which was difficult  in the 70’s until I met the Rev. Elsie Charrier, Jason Thorpe and other practitioners of the Aquarian Way. From them I learned to control my “voices’ through meditation, and most of the arts of the trade that I have named Spirit Tools. We not only studied metaphysics  but  also  the Bible and the Torah. Rev. Elsie, who is now 96 years old, mentored me in numerology, unlocking the hidden vibration and power of numbers, which have fascinated me since I was a child.

Eventually I was ordained a minister myself.  Lost in my worlds of theater, dance and sewing, my channeling became stronger and I finally left that world to follow my heart and start my own circle – a group of like minded people seeking a higher awareness.  Here I teach the primary school version of Numerology, Palmistry, Hands On Healing, Meditation and more. If someone becomes more adept with a certain Spirit Tool, we'll work together privately. As it has for years, the group meets every Tuesday evening from 7- 9 pm at my home in south Minneapolis. We never know what will happen next,  for I rely on my guides and angels to give the lesson for the evening.

Over the past  25 years I have entertained, taught and lectured at countless corporate events and private gatherings. I have read for hundreds of people, and done readings on the radio with the Kevyn Berger & Ruth Koslack shows. I’m a frequent guest speaker and counselor at Daisy Camp – a camp for women going through divorce. 

I have had clients all over the world. I particularly enjoyed doing readings in Rome and in the small Italian mountain town of Carpinone – where I read through the help of a translator, the wonderful & passionate Maria Cali. Readings by telephone have proven invaluable for my clients in England, Scotland, and all across America as well as with the Native American community here in Minnesota.

My favorite pastimes are my horses & cats. My 33 yr. old white Arabian mare, Sasci (pronounced "Sassy"), passed away just recently. She was my strongest spiritual mentor, wise beyond the universal years, walking next to me and watching over me whether things were bad and good. The wisest thing she ever told me was (and this is literally straight from the horses mouth) “ Life just wants to Live!” She was right! This is why I do what I love to do– help others to breathe new life into their weary souls, helping them to express the joyous feeling of freedom to be who you are!