read ~ ing (n)  1. the skill of being able to read.   2. An official or public recitation of written material: the reading of the will    3. a. A personal interpretation or perception:  What’s your reading of the situation?  b. A personal  interpretation or appraisal of a text or passage. 4. A specific form of a passage that can be understood in more than one way.

An intuitive read is an interpretation of someone's surrounding energies. By using various combinations of old wisdom from the studies of the metaphysics, a reader sees or feels an inner knowing of the person who may be a skeptic or a very open and aware individual. After being given a reading, skeptics usually walk away with a different outlook.

Every intuitive reader will have their own way of reading the individual, whether that person is across the table from her or on the other side of the world. A reading can be given via the telephone, by mail or in person. A reading can open you up to knowledge that has been deeply hidden or forgotten. Those searching will find many new ways to answer old questions about health, wealth, love, and well being. A reading can show you to yourself better than any mirror ever will.